This is where thoughts become things.

Hi, I'm Daniela. Welcome to my personal lair on the Internet. This is where I write about storytelling, activism, technology and pop culture. Sometimes I post videos. I update my lair when the mood strikes me. Follow me on Twitter for daily updates (@dcap).

Tag : new-york-times

Quotes: Manohla Dargis On The Gender Glass Ceiling In Hollywood

On why women in Hollywood aren’t faring any better:

Manohla Dargis

“This business is really about clubby relationships. If you buy Variety or go online and look at the deals, you see one guy after another smiling in a baseball cap. It’s all guys making deals with other guys. I had a female studio chief a couple of years ago tell me point blank that she wasn’t hiring a woman to do an action movie because women are good at certain things and not others. If you have women buying that bullshit how can we expect men to be better?” – Manohla Dargis, NY Times film critic, (via Jezebel)

Here is a funny (phone) interview with Manohla Dargis in 2008 (starts at 1:51) about being a “movie killer”:

She’s great, right? For more, read Dargis’ recent article in the New York Times, “Women in the Seats but Not Behind the Camera.”

The Lair’s Interwebs Ideas Vol. I: Twitter, New York Times and Entertainment Industry Job Sites (All Of Them)

1) Why isn’t Twitter part of ShareThis options – with an auto tiny URL feature?

There are lots of mobile apps and browser bookmark updates that let you send links to Twitter, but I don’t use them because I don’t tweet that often. Updating ShareThis seems like a no brainer – no matter where you are (on the go, on your comp or someone else’s) you should be able to easily share links on Twitter from within the content itself.

I often find myself inspired to share links through tweets when I am reading an article on a news or lifestyle site. Being able to avoid creating my own tiny url, opening up Twitter in another tab, etc. would be a great time saving feature.  Hello!

An alternative right now is Publish2‘s service for journalists and newsrooms. Their link journalism methods allow you to share stories with other professionals, bookmark with notes for yourself and send to Twitter.

That’s fine for now, but as ShareThis is the standard for most sites it would be better if they just did a little upgrade.

Two more amazing ideas, after the jump!


Rock The Vote Did NOT Leave 100,000 People Unregistered

Gothamist is unfortunately helping to spread the incorrect rumor that the New York Times started about Rock the Vote sending 100,000 voter registration forms to the wrong address. This is not true.

Excerpt from Rock the Vote’s press release today:

Today the New York Times printed a factually untrue story about Rock the Vote and young people’s efforts to register to vote.

Here are the facts: The New York State Board of Elections as well as the federal government’s Elections Assistance Commission, as recently as this morning, confirmed that Rock The Vote has handled the registration process in a correct and exemplary manner.

Recent investigations by our legal team have found that New York State is behind in processing as many as 35,000-40,000 forms as of earlier this week – not because they were sent to the wrong address as the New York Times suggests – but because they don’t have the people or the resources to get it done in a more timely way…

The real problem – which the New York Times should have reported – is that it appears that the New York State Board of Elections is behind in processing some voter registration forms.

Gothamist posted their update around 11am Saturday the 25th, a day after the New York Times story published on October 24th. Would it have hurt to contact Rock the Vote to get a statement from them? They already waited an entire day to post something on the Times story – it would have taken a second to fire off an email to Rock the Vote.

I hope Gothamist updates their entry with an edit that includes the facts.