Summer Fun: Eyeball Update, McCarren Park Pool Party w/ the Ting Tings & Alligator Lounge Love
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As I mentioned in a recent post, I had never been to the McCarren Park Pool Party events since moving here from Cali over four years ago – until today.
Normally I was always working or caught up in some personal drama that required me to stay away from large crowds. This summer has been different though, mostly because of a change in attitude.
My recent personal growth is a subject that I will elaborate on in a future post (possibly with a hilarious PowerPoint presentation), but for now, about today’s shoot…
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The Eyeball Connection
As most of you are already aware, up until today I was suffering from a gross eye infection. The short version of the story is that I ran out of contacts, could not get my prescription filled in a timely manner and walked around for a week with only one contact. This was stupid and I messed up my eye, as you can see in this gross photo from Thursday evening on your right.
All day Friday and Saturday I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to shoot properly on Sunday with my effed up ‘ball but luckily all of my eye medicine did the trick and the major worry of my weekend was eradicated by late last night.
…So you know, my work peeps Sarah and Megan will be putting up videos and stories tomorrow on If you missed today’s show, drop by then and check out what we put together.
This post from The Lair is specifically about my own personal experience at the event. Gross eyeball and all.