This is where thoughts become things.

Hi, I'm Daniela. Welcome to my personal lair on the Internet. This is where I write about storytelling, activism, technology and pop culture. Sometimes I post videos. I update my lair when the mood strikes me. Follow me on Twitter for daily updates (@dcap).

Category : Conferences of Interest

WidgetCon 2007 Thoughts: Daniela Style (Pt 1)

So, WidgetCon ’07 is over. If you are looking for a liveblog transcript, go here. As I forewarned, I didn’t liveblog and this won’t be a repeat of everything you can easily find scrolling through all the liveblogs that will inevitably be floating around in the blogosphere over the next day or so. The following

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Virtual Goods Summit & Pro Social Application Ideas

Back in June Susan Wu produced the first ever Virtual Goods Summit. Purveyors and those interested in getting into the business of virtual goods should have checked it out. Here are a few round ups: – …The key point would be that they don’t buy an object. They buy an emotion. Virtual World News

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