This is where thoughts become things.

Hi, I'm Daniela. Welcome to my personal lair on the Internet. This is where I write about storytelling, activism, technology and pop culture. Sometimes I post videos. I update my lair when the mood strikes me. Follow me on Twitter for daily updates (@dcap).

5 Rad Things: YouTube’s new editing tools, how to hide yo kids, hide yo wife, Instagram news, Cinemagraphs and The Queer Commons

In my last edition of 5 Rad Things, I raved about Sonic editions for iPhone. I’m happy to announce that as I approach my 30th birthday (9/29), I have yet to put away childish things and am still inspired by the same ‘ole stuff the kids love: productivity enhancements! 😀

Here are 5 rad things that I’m going to obsess over today:

1. YouTube’s new editing tools

Last week YouTube rolled out some great new features, including a marvelously addictive “fast little kid” version of YouTube Editor. This was a natural step for a video portal that sees more traffic than all other video sites. As the article pointed out, YouTube Editor had some limitations that more than likely prevented people from uploading certain kinds of clips on the fly. Before, online editing would result in a new video with a new address; now, old uploads can be made new in the same place.

I would have uploaded more clips from Paris if this feature had been available last fall

According to YouTube engineers, the vast majority of uploads were unpolished clips straight from phones and point-and-shoot cameras. They realized people might not want to post-produce using video software or the existing YouTube Editor, which would result in a new upload and address. These new features make it easier to publish, edit, polish and share your clips through your phone and browser. YouTube Editor, which allows combining trimmed clips with transitions and other elements, isn’t going away. The Edit Video button just offers needed one-click improvements. Click here for more from the review of YouTube’s new editing tools.

Minor but significant improvements like the ability to retain your original link after editing definitely augment any social justice activity — something that excites me. For example, the #takebackwallstreet events in lower Manhattan — more people can document and share police activity and events. At some point, YouTube will allow more than just their Partner Program folks to livestream video and then I think that’s when YouTube is really going to see a wider breadth of content and engagement. In the meantime, there are a ton of existing livestream options for your mobile phone, like USTREAM. You can watch what is happening on Wall Street right now. YouTube is missing out on a big opportunity right now to support activists but I’m sure that will change.

2. How to hide yo kids, hide yo wife on YouTube

It’s really easy. If you don’t want everyone oogling anything that should remain private (like minors in various states of undress, private functions, etc.), follow these simple steps:

Go to your video on YouTube and click “edit info” button in the upper left corner, then at the bottom of that page there is a section called “broadcasting and sharing options.”

– Public (anyone can search for and view)

– Unlisted (anyone with the link can view)

– Private (only people you choose can view — you can select by email address or YouTube username)

If you are uploading videos of your own children, it’s up to you to decide what the best option is for your family. However, if you’re uploading videos of other people’s kids, please do yourself a favor and ask permission first. If you forget to do that, at least change the video privacy setting to PRIVATE and add the parents email address or YouTube name so they can watch it and give you instructions on whether to make it public or take it down.

3. Instagram’s app update is the shit, son!

Let’s first discuss the most important new feature, shall we? You can now add filters WHILE YOU ARE TAKING THE PHOTO. IN REAL TIME.

My Storm Trooper painting is about to get even sexier

Yup — being eternally attractive just got 100% easier. The app update also comes with four new filters: Amaro, Rise, Hudson, and Valencia. Instagram says it took cues from popular Instagram user @colerise to produce the new effects. To use the new features, you’ll need to have an iPhone 3GS or newer; third-generation iPod Touch; or an iPad or iPad 2.

For more deets, check out CNET’s review.

4. Cinemagraphs: Animated GIFs hotter cousin

One of the benefits of Facebook Subscribe is that now I can stalk MySpace founder Tom Anderson’s every move (that he publicly shares). It sort of feels like stalking the inventor of one of my other favorite antiquated experiences, the 8-Track tape. Anyhoo, he shares interesting stuff, which is how I stumbled upon my latest obsession — cinemagraphs. More than a picture, but not quite a video, their main goal is to visually illustrate a short story. Cinemagraphs use a single photograph while adding a living moment within it. Click on the image below for a closer look.

Here’s how it works:

How to make a Cinemagraph with Photoshop and After Effects from Kert Gartner on Vimeo.

For more inspiration visit Cinemagraph pioneer Jamie Beck’s Tumblog

5. The Queer Commons

If you are an activist, family or care anything at all about LGBTQ folks, this is the group to follow. Although they are based in NYC, The Queer Commons folks provide info that is relevant to all and often share job opportunities and access to resources that cover the full spectrum of needs (health care, legal services, etc.). They are collaborating with other organizations and I attended one of their Queer Robots discussion event a month ago. It was awesome! Go to their website and play around today — you’ll be delighted, inspired and informed.

Make sure you get on their email list too:

That’s it for this edition of 5 Rad Things. If you have something rad you’d like to see me feature on The Lair, HMO at daniela AT dcapmedia DOT com.

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