This is where thoughts become things.

Hi, I'm Daniela. Welcome to my personal lair on the Internet. This is where I write about storytelling, activism, technology and pop culture. Sometimes I post videos. I update my lair when the mood strikes me. Follow me on Twitter for daily updates (@dcap).

Tag : times-square

Snaps: I See Elmo Every Day After Work!

Life is pretty crammed with home obligations, work, New School studies and dream manifesting, but I didn’t want to let another day pass without sharing some startling news:

I see Elmo. Monday through Friday. Oh yes.


No matter how bad my day has been, I can always count on seeing my furry friend cheerily bopping around the Viacom building, posing for photographs. These sightings started about a month ago and it’s worth noting that

a) I work in Times Square, where you can also run into a naked cowboy, hellza trannies, a giant inflated colon balloon, etc.


b) Seeing Elmo everyday would have probably been one of my all time favorite “life is awesome” moments when I was five.

I’ve tried to take a photo every day that I’ve had an Elmo sighting, but sometimes I can’t transmit my photos from my Blackerry Storm to Flickr (boo), so I only have this other one to share:


Tourists are usually swarming around him and it’s hilarious to watch disgruntled locals plowing through the crowd, acting as if it’s so normal to shove a giant elmo.

My most recent exciting Elmo factoid is that his real name is Abdul. I know this because I finally approached him and introduced myself (who’s shy around Elmo? weird).

…The problem with introducing yourself to Elmo (who’s real name is Abdul and playfully/lecherously grabs you) in the middle of Times Square is that you run the risk of obliterating that remaining thread of belief in a world where puppets (and muppets) exist independently from their puppeteers.

Like, you could be walking through the park and casually run into Big Bird. Or maybe you could go to a rock show and instead of there being a regular human drummer, Animal would be the drummer and he would go crazy and scream WOMAN! WOMAN! WOMAN!

Thankfully, I still believe that could happen.

>>If I take more Elmo photos, I will update this post with ’em<<