Hi, I'm Daniela. Welcome to my personal lair on the Internet. This is where I write about storytelling, activism, technology and pop culture. Sometimes I post videos.
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Tag : nyaff
NYAFF ’08 Recap: Evil Babies, Gore Police, Action Boys and More
Earlier this week I blogged my excitement for this year’s NYAFF. Thanks to my BFF, The Barnes, I ended up seeing four films that thrilled me and made visions of decapitated villains dance in my dreams.
Two of the four films that I saw at NYAFF were based on Japanese manga. Reviews are after the jump:
Their shorts program is amazing and their selection of features always surprises and pleases me in ways I wasn’t expecting. I may not love everything that I see at NYAFF but the fest certainly exposes me to different directors and methods of storytelling that inspire me.
…which is why I shocked myself by completely forgetting about it this year.
Luckily, my best friend The Barnes and I operate on the same film geek wavelength and she bought us tickets.
Tonight I am going to see 3 films with my BFF, including Tamami: The Baby’s Curse (read a review from the NYAFF blog here):