California Dreamin’
July 28th was my last day with MTV News. After three incredible years, I knew it was time to go. Here are some photos that encapsulate what my time there was like:
I decided to leave because I’ve wanted to be a film director/producer since I was 10 years old. After five years of working in New York, I figure now’s the time to start doing that.
I am not afraid because I know it was the right choice. I was actually more fearful when I was avoiding difficult choices. When you go against the grain of your own dreams, it hurts.
Here is a short video from my goodbye party on August 1st at Studio Square in Astoria, Queens:
I will never forget my friends at MTV and what they did (intentionally and unintentionally) to make me a happier person and how they altered my view of the world.
My mom and step dad came to visit me the day after I left MTV News, which was a happy accident. Their presence curbed my initial worry over what I’d just done – quitting a staff job in the middle of a recession. They support my choice 100% because they know who I am.
Shortly after arriving in Cali, I surprised my god daughter Trinidy at her theater camp in Sacramento, CA. Her mom said that she had been counting down the days ’til my arrival:

I’ll be traveling all over CA until August 25th, catching up with family and friends, plus meeting with mentors in the film/tv world.
This is the start of something new and I can’t wait to share my experience with all of my people. If you’re reading this, you’re my people too.