This is where thoughts become things.

Hi, I'm Daniela. Welcome to my personal lair on the Internet. This is where I write about storytelling, activism, technology and pop culture. Sometimes I post videos. I update my lair when the mood strikes me. Follow me on Twitter for daily updates (@dcap).

@dcap Twitter Updates for 2012-08-29

  • .@mollyknefel I am working right now at @current but can email you info later tonight 🙂 in reply to mollyknefel #
  • "Strong hands" + "I love you women" = need a YouTube mashup please #Current2012 #RNC2012 #
  • .@mollyknefel Pls cover harassment on planes as well – men who think 10k feet = rules of personal space out the window. #RadioDispatch #
  • LOL “@CapitolAlert: CA reputation at RNC: 'scary,' 'hyper environmental,' great wine'” #
  • Great profile “@JamesEstrin: “Eventually everyone’s going to be Puerto Rican.” Photos by Adal Maldonado #Boricua € #
  • 2/2 Fashion is great. But judging someone's intelligence+potential based on hair+clothes+tattoos+piercings= really dumb. It's 2012 y'all. #
  • There's that adage: "dress for the job you want to have." That was never relevant for me bcuz I will dress however I want, at all times 1/2 #
  • It's so funny, the difference btwn how ppl treat me when I pass as normative vs non-normative in hair & style. I enjoy confusing sheeple. #
  • 2/2 This guy was grilling me & wouldn't believe my work history! Bcuz of my hair! LOL I guess if I was in a boring suit he wd have believed. #
  • I met this guy in the liquor store earlier this evening & based on my appearance he assumed I was some sort of anarchist. I said thanks! 1/2 #
  • Don't judge a book by its cover, y'all. A suit & buzzwords doesn't make someone legit. And non-normative hair/clothes doesn't = loser/dumb. #
  • Jesus take the wheel “@MotherJones Until 1998, Mississippi said it wasn't rape if victim was "impure." #notjoking” #
  • Very few Interwebz things make me smile more than Instagram pics by thrilled #gay #queer guys meeting @NICKIMINAJ IRL <3 #
  • .@savasavasava hey! let's meet up when I'm back in NYC. I want to meet you IRL. email me if yr down: daniela AT dcapmedia DOT com in reply to savasavasava #
  • Mmm yeah I love 30 Rock but Puerto Ricans do not have quinceaneras in Prospect Park while dancing the macarena. #wtf #whowrotethisepisode #
  • It's interesting to me how many people have jobs because of the existence of Twitter, including data journalists. #
  • .@zephoria adults have a lot to learn from teens about community engagement & platform-specific vernacular. in reply to zephoria #

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