@dcap Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-10
- Gonna blast this in my ears the whole 6 train ride to BK: http://t.co/vnBpBNCh #discoDlikesdiscomusic #
- Off to picnic in Prospect Park. I have NEVER done that. I feel so sheltered. Mouth watering for homemade southern delights. #Weee #
- +1 <3 RT @OliveTonic big ups to @dcap @KnockoutNish @THEPALOMA @nickhook assss well! #
- I've noticed that my average transition time, between meeting some1 on Twitter/Instagram/FB to meeting IRL, is a few months – three years. #
- Four more days until I see @corvida again. I'm going to be so happy to see her, I'll squeeze her until her eyeballs pop out #cartoonlove #
- Have a great day. #
- & I do my best to listen to my POC allies when I don't realize my privilege, & change my behavior. I'm not perfect & I fuck up. But I learn. #
- Last thing: I want 2 mention my skin privilege. Ppl listen to me more bcuz of it. So I use it as a POC to share truth w as many ppl as I can #
- The lie we're all fed (incl whites) is that we have to align w one side. LIE. We have a choice. Break down the walls. Learn from others. #
- Yes! Lol <3 “@NearJay: @dcap because of thr wonderful things we do (remix)†#
- My adoptive daughter who will join me this year will b "Afro Latina" or something mixed w black. I educate myself 4 me & for her. Liberation #
- I had an acquaintance once ask me why I had so many black friends. Uhhh, because. Because. Because. Because. #
- .. but the longer we/Latinos deny our Black roots, the easier it is for us to be oppressed bcuz there's power in #s shared resources. #
- I have privilege to share w/out it impacting my quality of life. I'm sensitive to that. Theres a reason many Latinos reject their history .. #
- Yes. We are only helping those who oppress us stay in power when we paper bag test each other while in denial of our African & Black roots. #
- I highly recommend watching the PBS series Black in Latin America. Episodes online: http://t.co/DLH7q6b0 #
- So be proud to be Puerto Rican, Boriqua. But if yr pride involves looking down on the "morenos," you are basically taking a shit on yourself #
- The little hairs on my neck stand up during Puerto Rican Day celebrations bcuz more often than not I overhear racist shit re: black ppl. #
- African, Black, whatever YOU call it — if yr Latino, most likely U have black in yr ancestry. Yr insulting yourself. Read a book. #
- So many horrible things happen 2 good ppl in the US and other parts of the world because Latinos are in denial about their black roots. #
- Even I, who looks like a refried Italian, have black people in my family & back in my ancestry. I wish more Latinos knew their history. #
- When Latinos who only exist bcuz of the mixing of BLACK, European and indigenous/Native ppl are in denial of the black part, ugliness ensues #
- Really tired of hearing Dominican, Puerto Rican & Cuban folks talking shit about black ppl. The ignorance boggles my mind (1/2) #
- true dat “@sofifii: Behind every successful woman is a story about how she babysat crazy kids.†#
- LMAO “@JohnFugelsang: Happy 11th Birthday, Bush Tax Cuts. Thanks for creating all those jobs. In Asia.†#
- hmmm “@ebertchicago: Why "Mad Men" is "Roots" for white people. By Steven Boone, my favorite soon-to-be-famous writer http://t.co/miMtApAr†#
- NYC Twitter frenz: I'm seeing #Prometheus in 3D at 2pm ET in Manhattan. If U want to join me, DM me for the location. Anyone is welcome. #
- I made this for all the @PrometheusMovie haters: http://t.co/b4EXLZn8 #Prometheus #
- I am so damn excited about seeing Prometheus tomorrow. #
- Hey Madonna, why are U using ratchet link baiting on FB, sending fans to http://t.co/LGRrSLPH who are looking for work? http://t.co/VILIoufq #
- +1 <3 RT @leighnewman really enjoyed @corvida at #xmedialab "don't hate – participate!" very insightful re: the power of a social presence! #
- It should probably be illegal, how much fun I am having working on tag/topic page strat. Totally serious. EAT SOME CARROTS 2DAY GUISE #
- Woooow super racist scene in 1st ep. of 2nd season of United States of Tara. I love this show but that was not cool. Gross. :/ #
- <3 RT @corvida Had amazing first day in Sydney connecting w new minds, seeing Newtown (awesome area). Looking forward @xmedialab tomorrow! #
- @corvida <3 RT “@shintabubu: Corvida Raven a famous young blogger frm US is on stage at XMedia Lab conference http://t.co/ntgnFkCT†#
- cc @corvida xo so proud of you RT “@roslynbaker: Sydney XMediaLab :Corvida Raven of Shegeeks best speaker so far #xmedialab € #
- My point is that there are people who really are the walking dead, afraid to really live & to connect with ppl. I'm here to LIVE <3 #
- One day my body will deteriorate. But that's not the end of me. I will rejoin the earth & celebrate my return. I'm not afraid 2 live & 2 die #
- When I think of who I am, I see a flaming, soaring Phoenix and I owe that to my experiences helping others & learning from them. I'm reborn. #
- And the beauty of activism is that you think it's to help others, & it is, but the gifts you receive from doing it are incredible 🙂 winwin #
- And the more you practice self care and meet your own needs, the more effective your activism will be. #
- Everyone is an activist. Everyone has the potential to help at least one person. Do it your way. #
- But being an activist looks different for everyone. For me, it's how I live my life. How I live & what I do is my activism. #
- When ppl think of activists they often think of protesters or marches & go "that's not me/no time for that" #
- So, I give my money away whenever I can. And you know what? I'm not rich. But I live very well. And I never regret my choice to give. #
- We think pieces of paper with $ signs on it are worth more than human life. It's sick. I don't want to play that game. #
- When I say "money is fake" I don't mean that it doesn't matter. It does. But ppl suffer because we value money more than people. #
- Since money is fake, I don't have a problem with giving it away (when I can) to people who really need it. Money is fake. My needs are met. #
- "You say that I'm a dreamer/but I'm not the only one" #
- This is what I hear in my head when I am working on topic page/tagging strat stuff: http://t.co/gp9OWZE9 #mario #startheme #
- .@laurenthedark eat a raw jalapeno (chopped up into something). flush out your sickies. i'm serious. + course guzzle water and sleep a lot. in reply to laurenthedark #
- YAYZASAUR RT @laurenthedark @dcap If I'm not dead by then, I'll stop by tomorrow. #
- NYC people: my ankle is still messed up but I would be down for company tonight. If you'd like to come by for dinner+movies and such, DM me #
- :/ “@ProducerMatthew: CNN: Walker with 438k votes, Barrett with 298k votes (33% rep.)†#
- "Top 8" #thingsthatusedtomatter #
- doing the same 🙂 “@danamo: cooking dinner. been a minute since i've had my own food.†#
- If you see a need where you are presently working, or at a place where you want to work, don't be afraid to propose a new role for yourself. #
- This is going to sound completely privileged but it's true: Sometimes you need to create your own role/job title. It happens all the time. #
- LMAO u sound like me last week RT @laurenthedark I don't have time for needy ass people. I work. How about you try that sometime. #
- Reviewing the results of my home study. Organizing work stuff. Thinking about @corvida going to Australia today. Life is crazy! #
- #nowplaying "Cuz I remember the days/I waited so patiently/for God to bring someone/who was gonna be good to me" <3 http://t.co/LuToQEHP #
- Con: up all night with injured foot + sprained ankle pain. Pro: caught up on a ton of reading. My brain is on fire. #
- Totes. Will message u Fri to sched RT @Jewyorican @dcap thank u!!! We still need 2 hang out when yr busily fabulous self gets a minute 🙂 #
- "server overloaded" RT “@MTV: Check out the most-liked #MovieAwards moments on our brand new MTV Timeline Tracker: http://t.co/XThSxLyf†#
- .@Jewyorican Congrats on the @nbclatino gig! Read your piece about not being "the nanny" +1 in reply to Jewyorican #
- I'm LOLing @ all these "should preteens be on Facebook" posts. They ARE on. Address that; how to realistically protect them + advert ethics. #
- I wish more American celebs spent as much time tweeting about real issues that affect this country as they do about the #diamondjubilee #
- Random thought: What's the point of paying someone to "listen" and "engage" with your audience/customers if you don't listen to them? #
- You Gotta Believe, the org helping me through this process, has been wonderful. #fostercare #adoption #imabawsss #
- My home study was a success!!!! More steps to come but estimated date of placement is Septemberish <3 I don't hate my cat anymore either. #
- … but today of all days. did not want to spend this last hour before my home study scrambling to clean up paint mess. over it. #
- I guess the bright side of having an asshole cat who fucks up everything I own is I've learned some patience … #
- My cat decided storming in2 a room, walking all over wet red paint & then running all over my couch wld be fun. I truly hate him right now. #
- Hopefully not though. It's why I had my bedroom built w a door. So I can watch Spongebob at 3am and not wake her. #responsiblegrowness #
- I wonder if I will still keep up my night owl ways after my teen is with me. Maybe I will be too exhausted from work + activism + parenting #
- "What about Skype?" No. Not always the best for me. A late-night phone call, just someone's voice, can truly be food for the soul. #
- As much as social media helps 2 keep people connected, as an alt 2 face-to-face, nothing beats a late-night phone call. Still my fav tech. #
- See previous tweet for my "Sleeping Beauty" review. #goodnighttwitterz #
- "Sleeping Beauty": It's a thin line between "artsy" and "boring." Can't believe Browning put up with old man balls for such a flimsy role. #
- "Sleeping Beauty": I am officially bored. Emily Browning is merely a prop in this film 4 impotent rich dudes. A woman directed this 2 #womp #
- "Sleeping Beauty": after just 1 sex work gig Browning's character is acting like she's a pro. Youthful arrogance, foreshadowing. Kinda bored #
- "Sleeping Beauty": I'm intrigued by the one 60+ white haired older lady in a suit attending this weird dinner where all servants are naked. #
- "Sleeping Beauty": Kinda hard 2 actually sympathize. Pretty+thin white girl=lotso other $ making opportunities that don't involve this mess. #
- "Sleeping Beauty": Emily Browning looks about 13 w/out clothes. Uncomfortable feelings. Browning looks worried. Run, Emily! #
- I clearly don't do coke as I called it "coke sniffing" bwahaha. Seriously, don't do it. #hellervadrug #badnews #justsaynoguyz #
- .@queenkv It just started; there's some coke sniffing, semi hot WFW bathroom action going on. Will write a mini review later 🙂 in reply to queenkv #
- Set up a PayPal method; I wld do it “@careyfuller: If I got $5/month from every1 on friends/followers, do u know how many ppl I cd help?" #
- Watching "Sleeping Beauty" while wrapping up home stuff. The heller weird Emily Browning version w sex worker stuff that goes very wrong. #
- .@daughterphoenix You are always welcome to crash with me during a visit and/or while you transition here after. Email me whenever w deets in reply to daughterphoenix #