@dcap Twitter Updates for 2012-04-12
- Every time I take a cab in2 bk @ night the driver almost runs over an orthodox Jewish family :/ 1) disturbing + also 2) why always a family? #
- .@santagati nice! in reply to santagati #
- .@jowyang There were more people there a week ago during an afternoon protest #ows in reply to jowyang #
- AAAAAW yeah! TY RT @yalelawtech @dcap @corvida to get key repeat back, in terminal: "defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false" #
- we learned it's OS Lion thing RT @corvida .@dcap showed if u hold down ANY key in FB status update or Gmail you get http://t.co/vjWGNrFl #
- Ooooooooh! TY (typed those Os individually) RT @yalelawtech @corvida @dcap that functionality is being provided courtesy OS X — not fb/gm #
- .@Argo106 TY! Yes, these: http://t.co/QOYHZknL (latino/a identity curation) and http://t.co/DWyYW7nX (I'm adopting from foster care) in reply to Argo106 #
- .@Argo106 oh, thanks! which one? in reply to Argo106 #
- Scanning foster care paperwork. Listening to Mary J. Blige and mentally psyching myself up for working in the studio this evening. #