@dcap Twitter Updates for 2012-03-29
- I can't speak 4 other women, queers or POC, but I know I owe a huge debt 2 many 4 where I am 2day. Giving back isn't optional, it's an honor #
- In many ways I've achieved the American Dream, but it's come @ a price that others should not have 2pay. I do the best I can to address this #
- Many reject the concept of the American Dream & I can empathize but the dream was sold to my ancestors and they paid dearly for it. #
- What would a new American Dream look like? I cobble my own together the best I can, with the least amount of harm to others. #
- So much of the American dream depends on t exploitation of many around the world. Happiness/prosperity contingent upon t suffering of others #
- Getting fingerprinted for foster care certification (@ PSI Testing Center) http://t.co/3Q6o9cY2 #