@dcap Twitter Updates for 2012-02-01
- +1 RT @Rosental Thanks, @RodrigoCetina, @dcap, @AldoNahed. We've just passed 5k likes on Facebook. What about 6K? http://t.co/bUtR81qD 🙂 #
- Hm! RT @mashable Viacom CEO: Our Strength Is Not Technology – http://t.co/pjnV9aaW #
- Ladies, peep this BS: @elliesmeal dissects @barackobama vs. Catholic Church controversy over birth control coverage http://t.co/GSY4DZf2 #
- Do you ever sign into Twitter and then, without realizing it, open another tab to Twitter again? Twitter Squared. #
- .@yousingiwrite I used to go to their shows all the time at Black Betty in BK, before they closed 🙂 in reply to yousingiwrite #
- +1 RT @santagati Don't B so negative #SWIDT RT @neterugoddess not funny @MUHIBGOTSWAG Q What did 1 ion say 2 the other? A I've got my ion u #
- <3 RT @brownisthecolor: Even now, it takes a moment for me to catch my breath while watching/listening to Egyptians taking back their lives. #