@dcap Twitter Updates for 2011-12-02
- MUPPET TIME (@ Regal E-Walk Stadium 13 & RPX w/ 6 others) http://t.co/tEKrGr65 #
- #cjsm I've had a fab time but there's a Muppet movie calling my name. Bye! Great convo! #
- #cjsm Ha! @corvida Why are you still up on the screen? #freepromo http://t.co/iJdfrVtF #
- #cjsm @corvida is a boss and the best thing you can do to improve your life tonight is follow her 😉 #
- #cjsm Subscribe earned me 1500 new followers in less than a month. I'm enjoying using FB as another brand extension + profess development #
- #cjsm you can get timeline right now through a hack, google it #
- TY, let's KIT “@Crowdbooster: @dcap we plan to help u remind u to interact with top followers, but as far as giving rewards, not yet. #cjsm € #
- TY, do u offer for Twitter? RT “@Crowdbooster: @dcap reward campaigns. tool called @booshaka that helps u with that on the Fb side. #cjsm € #
- #cjsm @Crowdbooster my question was re: tools for executing reward campaigns within platform for influential followers, not just direct TYs #
- tx 🙂 RT “@AndrewWadium: @dcap Awesome question. Thanks! #cjsm (PS Green Day Rules!)†#
- . @sree @sirmichael are there any parallels btwn @socialflow & bluefin re: fan chatter informing programming strat, in terms of tools? #cjsm #
- #cjsm noise is why it shd be mandatory for all journos 2 mk brand management a priority. metrics will improve when readers care more about u #
- not if yer cultivating an engaged community “@DanBlank: 250 million Tweets a lot of competition 2 get your message heard. @sirmichael #cjsm € #
- Ditto, let's KIT I have many questions for you 🙂 RT “@Cyndi497: @dcap What an intriguing profile! Nice to virtually meet you… #cjsm € #
- #cjsm @tcpuente hi, let's meet tonight! #
- a bit, but speaker related “@alexandrasl: I'm learning some new things at #cjsm but am I only 1 feeling like were being "sold" new products? #
- #cjsm I spoke to @gregory about a muckrack app and will send him a mockup next week 😉 #yerwelcome #
- #cjsm @proliphiq won't be successful unless news orgs & journos actively utilize it, IMHO. curious about utility and scale in the long term #
- ha, no worries RT “@napril1023: @dcap…. That question was ALL you. #cjsm € #
- #cjsm journos are also manually curating lists on Facebook of credible sources, another resource. Look up Social Journalism, private group #
- #cjsm beyond @klout and @proliphiq, journos and tech leaders are manually curating influential circles to follow on g+, worth tracking all #
- #cjsm what are the advantages of @proliphiq over @klout? Do they work together? #
- #cjsm @gregory Will you release a muckrack iphone/android app next year? I know plenty of journos and PR folks who would use it. I would! #
- #cjsm muckrack is definitely a great PR tool as well for PR vets and new hires looking to build contacts #
- hi! far left. blue eyeliner. next to @Corvida from @ted “@LaToyaReports: Hey @dcap. Where are you sitting? #cjsm € #
- #cjsm I interviewed @gregory earlier this year about the future of the @shorty awards for @current, I'm excited about 2012! #
- #cjsm ex: at @current, talent and staff twitter accounts aren't micro-managed with rigid policies. We communicate & establish guidelines #
- #cjsm ex: at @mtvnews, writer/producer Twitter accounts are frequently promoted on @MTV and MTV.com #
- #cjsm I know journos who have one account or two (one personal, one tied to their job). Do what works for you and your employer #
- #cjsm net neutrality, privacy and free speech are all factors tied to this g+ re org http://t.co/q0x4jaL8 #
- #cjsm Google and Verizon are pushing legislation that if unchecked could severely compromise mobile startups and broadband access #
- #cjsm it's noteworthy that two bills are being considered right now tied to the social web that threaten free speech, google it #
- #cjsm the people I know leading social and community at news orgs/media outlets started in their teens, so 25 to me is not young anymore #
- not anymore “@ChrisBoese: @dcap 25 is young?! LOL! good one. Some of us were doing social media in the 1990s, blogged thru 9/11 etc. #cjsm #
- 25 is young? “@ChrisBoese: how Craig @ckanal gets to be a big boss at NBC. Is youth a requirement? #cjsm € #
- Nice to meet @ckanal – new social media head at @nbc – in person after months of FB interactions #cjsm cc @sree #
- #cjsm @Corvida is taking notes on PAPER?? I'm shocked. #
- Cool! Will be nice to see you again 🙂 “@gregory: Getting ready to present the new @MuckRack at #cjsm Find me [pic]: http://t.co/DUqcJjAs†#
- Cabbing it to meet @Corvida at Social Media One-Night Stand class with @sree. #cjsm #
- I would buy .jesus, .nyc and .xxx #icann http://t.co/X4zwQl7l #
- I'm curious about gov involvement RT “@lheron: Cuban version of Facebook quietly launched a few days ago http://t.co/fnplSTpS via @dcap†#
- #nowplaying Across the Universe – I want to hold your hand http://t.co/fpax9YrV #
- This! #cjsm RT @laurenthedark If ur a journalist & use Twitter solely 2 RT news from ur respective outlet, I don't want 2 say "die" but… #
- *invites herself* RT @corvida @laurenthedark @laidbackchick I was going to suggest we all go for lunch on Saturday. Thoughts? #
- Be sure to say hi if you see me! I'll do the same. RT @janafitzgerald @dcap me too! really looking forward to it #cjsm #
- Do you ever sort of softly scream to yourself when the audio for commercials on YouTube is unbearably loud? #ido #