@dcap Twitter Updates for 2011-09-21
- @am_NYC OK cool, I'll email you tomorrow to work it out <3 in reply to am_NYC #
- LOL RT @OliveTonic @dcap yeah i think that's most futuristic #
- @OliveTonic I vote for 300dpi in reply to OliveTonic #
- Swear to God, I will punch you dead in the face if you don't listen to Alabama Shakes' EP right now. http://t.co/DhDTFuB3 #
- Can't wait RT @jamiekilstein Not to harp but here is the official page and info for you to see me on Countdown tonight. bit.ly/oUlHH6 #
- God, I wish I could go to @fantasticfest. Next year. cc @corvida #
- "I play my enemies like a game of chess" – Lauryn Hill #
- #nowplaying The Fugees – Ready Or Not http://t.co/ZoFnTeyE #
- Want to change @nycgov from the inside out — with your INTERNETZ??? NYC Digital is now hiring for 4 positions: http://t.co/waXeJhAx #
- Yup. All your moves came from The Fresh Prince. http://t.co/ZorD8TaN / via @thequeenofohio #
- Cenk Uygur and @theyoungturks are coming to @Current: http://t.co/uUqrQLst #
- @am_NYC <3 i'm only free after midnight during the week these days. this weekend, perhaps? i'm going to mexico on tuesday in reply to am_NYC #
- I just accidentally poured a bunch of tea tree oil in my eye and it reminded me I have an early call tomorrow. Night night, Twitterz. #
- The later it gets, the more I want to tweet about how ST:TNG is the best show of all time. #
- lmao RT “@robdelaney: "What exquisite emotional armor you're wearing!" is a good ice breaker at a party†#