@dcap Twitter Updates for 2011-09-02
- #nowplaying Whodini- Friends http://t.co/1zP8KgA #
- #nowplaying Amy Winehouse – Tears Dry On Their Own http://t.co/LVVE3DI #
- #nowplaying Cake – I Will Survive http://t.co/SFbj3TW #
- ! RT @NewsHour Device run by iPod Touch, iPad or Android tablet could help diagnose cancers in poor or rural settings http://t.co/QZRcmxO #
- *Nelson laugh* HA HAAAA RT @arstechnica Apple relents, begins selling "old" Final Cut Studio again: arst.ch/qrf by @ejacqui #
- #nowplaying Clair de Lune – Claude Debussy http://t.co/BzGZpHs #
- Hi @USAirways, I sent request via your customer relations form. I hoping we can resolve the issue. TY for your time. – Daniela Capistrano #
- I can't wait for Mexico w my mother at the end of September. We're both celebrating milestones. I'm thankful 4 her consistent love & support #
- #nowplaying The Knife – Heartbeats http://t.co/gPk50y3 #
- it's a new day. 🙂 #
- Omg I forgot that Lt. Yar was killed by some evil black puddle. This episode of ST:TNG is traumatizing me. #