@dcap Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-28
- Heehee RT "@ElBloombito: El MTA will resumo el subwayador y el buso the dia after tu metrocard de unlimitedo es expiredo. No refundo. Sorryo #
- Lmfao! *wipes tear* Bless Twitter RT "@ElBloombito: Stayo awayo! El river de el Bronx es mucho drowno. No el rescue!" #
- will be here until mta service comes back (@ Jersey City Heights) http://t.co/pGNhIr2 #
- <3 thanks. waiting for #irene to hit nyc. off of NJ coast now. RT @vicbeef @dcap I'm glad to hear you are okay!!! #
- On My Radar: Experiencing Hurricane #Irene through Social Media http://t.co/lKhqw1D #
- safe in jc heights w/ friends. glad i got out in time, my apt was in an evac zone. coding a client's site to distract myself #irene #
- Why Hurricane Irene not worst-case for NYC – Science http://t.co/T293yBa via @todayshow #
- I hope everyone takes safety precautions. I'm leaving town tomorrow AM via Amtrak. <3 #Hurricane #
- Last night I dreamed a tsunami was coming but the waves never got me. I wasn't afraid of the rushing water. #
- <3 RT @shananaomi @dcap mmm, thanks i didn't even know how much i needed that song today! #
- #nowplaying Standing in the Way of Control – The Gossip http://t.co/RBy4rVd mentally dance through this blah weather #
- I miss following female #graffiti artists with my 7D. Need to do more of that this year. http://t.co/YUG5QP1 #
- @OliveTonic + @am_nyc + meow mob = good times #
- with @am_nyc <3 (@ Blue Ribbon Brasserie) http://t.co/vrqYpqa #
- I'm pretty sure the new qualifications for being an NYC cab driver are to 1) not know where any street is and 2) be an asshole. #
- Sometimes I want to punch WordPress in the face. I love you WP, it's not your fault. Sometimes people configure you in "interesting" ways. #
- #nowplaying Brazilian Girls – Lazy Lover http://t.co/0uKtmrR #
- insomnia = researching bjork's ethnic background. #
- #nowplaying SexyBack – Justin Timberlake http://t.co/ORkFeOp #
- GASP! New CSS album "La Liberacion" is out today on V2/Cooperative Music USA/Downtown Records. http://t.co/ApvINje #buying #
- #nowplaying Macy Gray – I Try http://t.co/CM0Us0L #
- GASP! why am i just finding out about @CondeElevator??? #goodnightyall #
- *drool* RT @smashingmag Free HTML5 WordPress Themes and Theme Frameworks – bit.ly/qQFwrK #
- @AnthonyGadgetX right! very good point. i like the way you think. in reply to AnthonyGadgetX #
- yay! RT @mynette Children of Invention has expired on Netflix streaming. But it's free (again) on Hulu! Watch ib4 it goes away bit.ly/if4XIi #
- dope RT @PBSMediaShift TV news desk replaces paper scripts with iPads bit.ly/nLHORK #
- LOL you so wrong for that RT @PaulCantor ..guessed that boxer statue in front of staples center is oscar de la hoya. & it is! #stereotyping #
- YES! it's cool RT @nmillions The amusing term "Ad Feminam" is in danger on Wikipedia. Should it be saved? bit.ly/r5zVwQ @jezebel #
- @profsamuels_nyu @nprnews awesome resource! in reply to profsamuels_nyu #
- @cheetapizza he's a monster. in reply to cheetapizza #
- heading home. zzz. #
- #nowplaying Bonita Applebum – A Tribe Called Quest http://t.co/HK5ZfiX #
- #nowplaying Passin' Me By – The Pharcyde http://t.co/acPgXKY <3 #
- can't wait to see @LeahMeyerhoff and @AlexandraRoxo this afternoon 🙂 #
- love this RT @mashable What Corporate Structure Is Best for Startups Considering VC Funding? – on.mash.to/nzEMJ1 #
- #nowplaying Ready for the World – Let Me Love You Down http://t.co/WcosKmc #
- #nowplaying 808 – Blaque http://t.co/zAVMbMB #
- #nowplaying Notorious Thugs – Biggie feat. Bone Thugs-n-Harmony http://t.co/XaxeHtK #
- cool shit! RT @filmfuturist Anyone see #Transmedia on the front page of the Free Press in NY last week? tinyurl.com/3txm53v cc@transmedianyc #
- #nowplaying Fell in Love With a Girl by The White Stripes #musicmonday http://t.co/DidmxaJ #
- How ST:TNG taught me that rules were made to be broken http://t.co/ZVhSHuQ #
- #nowplaying The Police – Roxanne http://t.co/tYTazAQ. Saw "The Devil's Double" this past weekend. It was glorious. #