@dcap Twitter Updates for 2011-06-18
- Creeps http://instagr.am/p/F5lPu/ #
- "In the time it takes you to fart, I've written up three project proposals" #
- DJing in the Fool! Where Craig At? room. Come hang out. Now playing YoungBloodz: 85\/Billy Dee Interlude ♫♪ #turntablefm http://t.co/IG8gJUg #
- DJing in the "Fool! Where Craig At?" room. Come hang out. Now playing 2 Live Crew: Hoochie Mama ♫♪ #turntablefm http://t.co/IG8gJUg #lmao #
- @corvida let's make a room and virtually co-work with some hot playlists!!! turntable.fm #
- @olivetonic will you please create a room and bust out some tunes today? http://t.co/fLL7rL6 i defer to your genre breadth #
- @BrooklynHilary many parents use blogspot & switch it to a private blog, which requires email authentication so only fam/friends can see #
- I LOVE this!! RT @lynneluvah DJing in the R/GA room. Come hang out. Now playing Junior Mafia: Get Money ♫♪ #turntablefm turntable.fm/rga2 #
- Cool –> Eight Tech Trends for Librarians (and Teachers too!) http://t.co/tiOeDYy #
- @BrooklynHilary in any case, here are some tips while you determine best platform: http://t.co/ST93JqU #
- Hi @davidwolman 😀 Thanks for the #FF love in reply to davidwolman #
- @BrooklynHilary are you looking for a free or paid option? do you want parental controls? in reply to BrooklynHilary #
- I spent lots of time exploring the web on my own, tied 2 my identity now. What if mom had supervised 247? Wld I be the same person I am now? #
- Children need supervision online, true. But where do you draw the line? Where is there room for exploration? http://t.co/1J9qeEB (2 of 2) #
- Tweens are already on Facebook. Everloop may be a good alt 4 parental controls, but more 2 this story… http://t.co/1J9qeEB (1 of 2) #
- La chicas de Longboard Girls Crew: Guaranteed to make you smile this Friday AM http://t.co/OMBKfME [thanks @MsMichelle <3] #