@dcap Twitter Updates for 2012-04-17
- +1 “@jessiepeterson: I can't wait until the cut on my hand stops looking like a tiny vagina.†#
- Hmm @twitter is suggesting I follow @glennbeck. I'd rather follow an account for a mutant sewer rat #idreadthosetweetsfirst #splinter #
- #likeaboss #awesome “@mollyknefel: Someone is mic checking from inside the police wagon #sleeponwallst #ows†#
- oh noez lol “@drgoddess: HAHA!!!!!! RT @SeanMandela: Tv one has a show called 'MY MOMMA THROWS DOWN' aka the best fried chicken contest smh†#
- oh word lmao “@mashable: Millennial Consumers: Engaged, Optimistic, Charitable [STUDY] – http://t.co/Q6EHBDLT†#
- lmfao “@HologramTupac: Problem with hologram bitches is you can't feel their tits. #HologramWorldProblems #CurvesMakeaNiggaCry #NeedTits € #
- lmao “@HologramTupac: I get around…. your firewall!†#
- There's so much funny/fucked up shit on Twitter tonight. *wipes eyes* 😂👠#
- lmao “@current: 26 Fortune 500 companies aren't paying taxes this year, in fact, they have negative tax rates. CHART: http://t.co/39Z5CALr†#
- lmao “@goodlaura OMGoodness! That Dorito Locos Taco @ @tacobell was so good I'm driving thru again 2 try t Supreme! & there is 10 car wait!†#
- lmao “@RyanNewYork: Overheard in Bushwick: "We're the freaks. And, it's hard to be the freaks in art school."†#
- :/ “@lenadunham Call me slow on uptake, but only 2nite did I realize how serious Rihanna is re: S&M. Like, it's ev er y song #nocomplaints € #
- .@AnFcknDukes lmao in reply to AnFcknDukes #
- PLEASE be my friend IRL “@perlapell: If I watch oiled-up great dancers do the tango for too long I get rully horned up to the max.†#
- lmao “@lexinyt: So over this story. RT @mashable Ridiculously Photogenic Guy Answers Questions on Reddit: http://t.co/vzJmHQUc†#
- whaaaat “@MediaReDEF: 'Virtual' Tupac May Go on Tour http://t.co/0TxhqjI1 /via @MediaReDEF†#
- lmao rt @perlapell poor gals in beauty product commercials get so shy they have 2 giggle/cover their faces from camera/peek thru thr fingers #
- [just donated] Help make it happen for Cuando Una Mujer Avanza – When a Woman Steps Forward on @indiegogo http://t.co/QWi8mR8Y #