@dcap Twitter Updates for 2012-01-30
- Cool! RT “@HuffPostTeen: We just discovered a journal written and edited entirely by young scientists. Super cool! http://t.co/OlmftxAX†#
- Watching about a million amazing videos via the Redux app on Google TV. Curation, curation, curation … #idigsit #
- Makes sense Herman Cain endorsed Gingrich. Take 999, turn it upside down & BOOM:Gingrich. That ish makes more sense than all the GOP debates #
- TY for sharing link RT @moorehn So smart! RT @FastCompany: Work/Life Balance Is A Myth; Here's What You Can Do About It http://t.co/H9ZFgwIb #
- I hope #OWS groups around the world cont. 2 voice their views & demands thru POTUS election, hold ppl accountable 2 their campaign promises. #
- I'm not rich. I don't own property & I have student loans. But I donate $ to #OWS bcuz I am the 99% and I believe in protecting #democracy #
- I just made a donation to @OccupyOakland Bail Fund. Please join me: https://t.co/3E3DRWEa via @WePay #
- :/ Just tried to make a donation to @occupyoakland bail fund via @wepay and it failed w/out explanation… Trying again… #
- RT “@OccupyOakland: PLEASE donate 2 #oobail fund, between 130-250 arrested, some injured and/or w/out their medication https://t.co/dhu6K46w #
- smart RT “@OccupyOakland: Plz document instances of police abuse violence & misconduct here https://t.co/OQlyxsLT #j28 #ows @geekeasy†#
- arrests for peaceful assembly = waste of taxpayer $ RT “@digg_updates: 300 arrested in Occupy Oakland protests. 300!!! http://t.co/jzj6CcEO†#
- Thanks! RT “@fromthehip: The State Of HTML5 Video http://t.co/577Mg7FW #html5 via @longtail_video†#
- The evolution & successes of many social platform features are intrinsically tied to competitor growth. #
- Grammar craziness aside, I'm trying to explain that FB Subscribe owes much of its success to previous @Twitter followers & reach elsewhere. #
- I built my IRL and online network via @Twitter. Many followed me to FB. My FB subscriber success is thanks to @Twitter. (2/2) #
- I joined Twitter in '07. It took almost 5 years to reach 2k followers. Took me less than 3 months 2 hit 2k subscribers on FB – HOWEVER (1/2) #
- Congrats! RT @owasow In 2005, @ 34, I was struggling to finish BA. Today, I'm thrilled & awed that in fall I'll be an Asst Prof @ Princeton. #
- RT @POCZineProject COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT: Q&A: @AliceBag on Life as a #Chicana Rebel & 'Violence Girl' #punk #diy http://t.co/HdoTARtP #
- eggcelent RT “@shananaomi: @dcap @KathleenNB just put an egg on it! see http://t.co/LZKUMzUl for inspiration (my wife's blog)†#
- #gitit RT @KathleenNB Staying in bed until it is a socially acceptable time of day for me to eat the ribs & mashed potatoes in fridge #ribs #
- Chez Oskar. #brooklyn #treasure #gottagitdar #