@dcap Twitter Updates for 2011-12-28
- SOPA is such a menace to the internet! Check out this infographic: http://t.co/oLkKe0cd via @fightfortheftr #
- Edward Burns and the Socialization of Indie Cinema http://t.co/y7cKDnzN via @mashable #
- .@hnigatu I love your Tumblr SO MUCH. #
- Well, #1FactAboutMe is that I'm a youngish "single" lady adopting a teen next year through http://t.co/R2iXZwjv. #
- Who in LA is down to take me and a friend to see "Pariah" tomorrow night? I'll chip in gas $ and lots of good times. DM me for deets. #
- TY for sharing! RT @Marthalicia Recent Interview. If your a new friend, take a look and see where I come from http://t.co/Ssv4CObr #
- I wonder who started the trend of porn bots tweeting pithy, life-affirming inspirational tweets. #
- Day 2 🙂 (@ The Young Turks Studios, Rebel Headquarters) http://t.co/CP4QI0TI #