@dcap Twitter Updates for 2011-10-15
- Wait. Fabolous mentions FaceTime in "You Be Killin Em." But Siya is the first female rapper to mention it! BAM! #nerd #
- #nowplaying SIYA | "IM GONE" http://t.co/Xzbmuczl She mentions iPhone FaceTime — may be the first mention in rap? A verse elsewhere? #
- I love this! "We are the 1 percent/We stand with the 99 percent" Tumblr #OccupyTogether #OWS #OccupyWallStreet http://t.co/hBH6jkwl #
- Funny how the GOP has time to vote on a bunch of bills that oppress women — but not time to create/work on jobs bill to help Americans. #
- @whitehouse Dear President Obama, Please veto H.R. 358. Please stand up for our basic rights as women. I can't believe I have to ask this #
- @barackobama Please veto H.R. 358. This bill treats women like second class citizens. I'm counting on you to do the right thing. #
- House Passes H.R. 358, the "Let Women Die" Act of 2011 | RH Reality Check http://t.co/h9UPLZXJ — I feel sick. Obama better veto this. #
- The FDR is a scary place to be right now :/ Flooding and lightening bolts #
- Cool convo on the #occupywallstreet livestream right now: http://t.co/dG1nGSMY You can be silly/transformative/share info @ the same time 🙂 #
- @filmfuturist dooo eeeeet. ok. i will. in reply to filmfuturist #
- Lift your open hand/Strike up the band and make the fireflies dance/Silver moon´s sparkling #
- #nowplaying She & Him – Why Do You Let Me Stay Here? http://t.co/lqweEokU #