@dcap Twitter Updates for 2011-10-13
- This is where I will be Sat at 5 pm 🙂 http://t.co/QLwkmluJ #occupywallstreet #ows #
- Positive visibility for LGBTQ & POC youth (not mutually exclusive) in the media: something I've always fought for http://t.co/y9ywtmTc #
- #nowplaying White Denim – Shake Shake Shake http://t.co/sXyhUXfB #
- i regret nothing RT @SarahFeingold @corvida DUMBO! So sorry to hear @dcap demolished your ring pop. Sad story. I'll replace it. What flavor? #
- Yeah… there are far too many African American techies in NY for this event to lack diversity: http://t.co/70qpeB7K About 5-7 POC total. #
- How-to: Easily turn a spreadsheet email attachment into a public Google Doc spreadsheet http://t.co/3Z5DBMbZ #
- <3 RT @MonsieurCS Me and the bro at a US nationals friendly #samsarmyforlife http://t.co/ov1k7dFW #