@dcap Twitter Updates for 2011-09-15
- #nowplaying The Younger Lovers – We are the Younger Lovers/Keeps on Falling Down http://t.co/SWUW8lcD #
- @corvida what does #OG mean, #overactive #giddiness ? in reply to corvida #
- If you want to subscribe to my public status updates on FB, you can here: http://t.co/XItPX5GK I post about social media, politics and tech #
- I know it's a great screening tool, but sometimes I want 2 punch the father of the captcha in the face. Sorry, Luis von Ahn. :/ Yer rad tho #
- @corvida yes, rock star? in reply to corvida #
- #nowplaying Dirty Projectors – Stillness Is the Move http://t.co/MrB5Fa9 #
- Nielsen's "State of the Media: The Social Media Report" has a lot of interesting tidbits to consider http://t.co/I7A1t9y #
- #nowplaying Skee-lo- I Wish http://t.co/NXgwtSZ #
- #nowplaying Rob Base and DJ E Z Rock – It Takes Two http://t.co/SWqqjJb #
- (2/2) when my teen is placed with me next year/during adoption process you bet your sweet ass i will be teaching him/her media literacy. #
- The different ways that kids are targeted by advertisers is genius, unethical and encouraging a gen of hyper-personalized consumerism. (1/2) #
- #nowplaying Phil Collins – In The Air Tonight http://t.co/2eqcmtt #
- @rileybbq I love that flick! P.S. on my way home in reply to rileybbq #
- Life passes in an instant. Don't miss it. #
- boozin' with @olivetonic (@ Pianos w/ 3 others) http://t.co/7Gf5bdp #