@dcap Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-11
- at Little Flowers Children's Services for MAPP training (@ Jamaica, NY (Queens County)) http://t.co/AqZ2eYg #
- #nowplaying Jackson 5 – Never Can Say Goodbye http://t.co/XNOl80l #
- i was going to just curl up in a ball today but instead i'm going to another foster parent training session in queens. #September11 #
- Contagion time (@ Regal Union Square Stadium 14 w/ 19 others) http://t.co/T7dlmhF #
- great foster training session at this location (@ The Center) http://t.co/uiTK28e #
- Foster parent training at the LGBT Community Center on W. 13th in an hour. I have 5 more sessions to go/done in Nov <3 Baby steps… #
- friday night plans/hopes/dreams down the toilet. such is life. #
- @tgirlsadie he stole my bed last night. in reply to tgirlsadie #
- what else, goldfish that clean their bowl? #diva RT @SarahKSilverman guess the quality I'm looking 4 most ina man=some1 who won't murder me #
- OMG u guys. If you love "The Jerk" like I do, check out this reddit thread that turned in2 an interview w the co-writer http://t.co/pH5g9Jy #
- "If you go home with somebody and they don’t have books, don’t fuck them." – John Waters #
- there is a special place in hell for you spreading lies on 9/11, assholes RT @NBCNews hacked by The Script Kiddies. Follow them @s_kiddies! #
- You'll never know what we could have been or how I truly feel about you because U can't hear me. It's too bad but it is what it is. Goodbye. #
- @OliveTonic later tonight, homeskillet. i should be off at midnight at the latest. i will text yewz. in reply to OliveTonic #
- [Just Posted] On My Radar: TechCrunch revolt and The Lair is for fun — not for SEO-baiting http://t.co/bPXEGhS #
- #nowplaying Inva Mula-Tchako, voice of Diva Plavalaguna in "The Fifth Element" http://t.co/VKdAiKy #
- #nowplaying Fluke – Zion /try not to imagine Neo's pasty, hole-riddled back as he sexifies Trinity #shudders #impossibleyoucant #
- What was that song from the scary grinding scene in The Matrix Revolutions when everyone starts dancing & Neo gets it on with Trinity? #
- OMG YES!!!! RT @indiewire Will You See This Movie? | John Waters's Muse Divine Gets the Doc Treatment ow.ly/1eCiDQ #
- #nowplaying Jaan Pehechaan Ho – Mohammed Rafi – Ghost World Soundtrack http://t.co/Wvs3t6d #boombitch #
- now… more awesome songs INSIDE of movies… feel free to join me. #
- #nowplaying Twiggy Twiggy Twiggy – Pizzicato 5 http://t.co/a2OXcup you will either start shaking your butt or blow yer brains out to this #
- My personal brand SEO pimp hand is way strong, yo. #
- mmm yes! google my name and tattoo. duh. 😉 RT @jeremymeyers @dcap do you have any tattoos, Daniela? #nowplaying #
- #nowplaying "Hot One" – Shudder To Think http://t.co/GHNbzSt #glitterbombsyou #
- yes, more songs coming that make YOU feel like glitter is shooting out of your pores. #yerwelome #
- #nowplaying KLAUS NOMI – YOU DON'T OWN ME (BABY BOLLOX MASTER REMIX) http://t.co/9cYD9HP makes me think of being 13 & going 2 Rocky Horror #
- @jambajim now i have to dig up some gems for you. i'm so happy it's friday, glitter is shooting out of my pores #
- yay! TY RT @jambajim Check Girls on Top remix of that song from 100 years ago. They remixed with Kraftwerk's "Numbers" youtu.be/9-iLG8UmSes #
- @misskatiemo would have been nice if they had included what these peeps studied/previous employment experience. sloppy journalism (2/2) #
- @misskatiemo hilarious to me! hopefully kiddos reading this do their homework & don't think 2k+ followers=qualified 4 anything in life (1/2) in reply to misskatiemo #
- #nowplaying I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me) – Whitney Houston http://t.co/WInK3cL #
- WTF RT “@vulture: Mel Gibson to write a Jewish hero movie. No need to gild the lily on that headline—it sells itself: http://j.mp/r8cQKu†#
- aaaaaaaaaa!!! #joyjoy RT “@MuseumModernArt: Pedro Almodovar will be the honoree of our 2011 Film Benefit in November! http://j.mp/ouA5zE†#
- hilarious RT “@misskatiemo: I have… SO many words about this article. Social Media Manager != Mad Men. http://j.mp/prS3p2 #
- @OliveTonic you crack me up. let's meet up tomorrow night. i want to go to pravda and have dirty martinis. three olives. in reply to OliveTonic #
- God, I love ST:TNG. #wasnothacked #yeahisaiditand #
- So sad I missed this. RT @jazzbeezy TV On The Radio, outside, with stormy-sky skyline in the background – epic NY setting, great show. #
- Hey y'all. Join this live online discussion during our @CountdownKO American Jobs Act coverage: bit.ly/qxic9m. k thanx #
- Tonight on @CountdownKO: Two-hour live coverage of Obama's jobs address http://t.co/j6ySmFZ #
- #nowplaying The Zombies-Time Of The Season So beautiful outside in NYC after the rain. Wish my job duties today = go sit in field & sway 😉 #
- #nowplaying Baby -The Phenomenal Handclap Band http://t.co/GQlxFY2 ladies in this band wear <3 hippie outfits. want to be in a cult w them. #
- #nowplaying Kanye West- Monster ft. Bon Iver, Jay Z, Rick Ross, & Nicki Minaj http://t.co/QYggzWH #rawr #
- #nowplaying Timbaland – The Way I Are ft. Keri Hilson, D.O.E., Sebastian http://t.co/uUDCdQ7 #
- however i would taskrabbit flat ironing my hair 2 someone while i responded 2 email, if i wasn't afraid of stranger danger – taskrabbit.com #
- you can't flat iron your hair and respond to emails at the same time. or tweet, for that matter. know your role. http://t.co/7oFuROr #
- #nowplaying Snoop Dogg Featuring Pharrell – Beautiful ft. Pharrell http://t.co/n7hWNyE #oh oh! #
- oh, nice! RT @badcoverversion @dcap Music humanities! It's the usual class I've taught there before. I like it, though. #
- Oh. My. God. RT “@StevenLeckart: Back to the Future Nike's are on the way? Please let this be legit. http://j.mp/mVBg5W†#
- @badcoverversion Congrats! What class are you teaching? in reply to badcoverversion #
- Michele Bachmann is like a female Gargamel and the Smurfs are anyone making under $200k. She's just evil, dang. http://t.co/C1UBpm4 #
- Looking forward to going to @am_nyc's YOUNITY 2011 "GODDESShood, our land is our jewel" event on Sat <3 theyounity.com/exhibitions.html #
- Drunk guy in elevator grabbing my arm: "What's it like being stuck in an elevator w 2 drunk guys?" Me: 9_9 #uknowyertiredwhenuhavenoresponse #
- @rookiemag is something i think i would definitely have liked when i was 12/13, but only if they incl. more sci-fi & music related topics. #
- Woo! Thanks RT “@Wolfram_Alpha: Congratulations to @dcap @tinghitella and @wcsummer on winning Wolfram|Alpha t-shirts! Check back tomorrow" #
- I won a @Wolfram_Alpha shirt through Twitter! Yay! #geekjoy #
- #nowplaying BLACK ONE IN THE RIVER – JIVE GRAVE http://t.co/kMqto9I #
- Do you agree with this list? I don't. — The Best Tech People To Follow On Twitter http://t.co/NT2ipqh #
- In 2011, women are paid on average 77 cents to the dollar paid men. African-American women = 69 cents to the dollar. Latinas = 59 cents. #
- Hedgehog! (@ Cake Shop w/ 2 others) http://t.co/4SPQaOG #
- Taking my BFF to see Hedgehog at Cake Shop tonight. She went to their shows when she lived in Shanghai. http://t.co/O29Dwpa #
- #nowplaying Ice Cube – It Was A Good Day http://t.co/1Obn5vj #
- @filmfuturist rad! have fun recharging. haha i accidentally wrote "retarding" first/auto-correct fail. terrible. <3 in reply to filmfuturist #
- #nowplaying Zapp & Roger – Computer Love http://t.co/A7kRNlO #
- #nowplaying Midnight Star – Midas Touch http://t.co/dzzMPZd #
- <3 steady rockin' all night lawng RT @rileybbq much love to @dcap for the job posts she's listing today, have a good labor day everybody! #
- #nowplaying The Whispers – Rock Steady http://t.co/gCpSPUy #
- This is a level of patriotism I could never have. — Discharged for Being Gay, Many Seek to Re-enlist http://t.co/UZ6u0Sk #
- cool! RT @maayanco 2nd day orientation @OCAD for @digital future grad program, found out that we have special access to the AGO! #
- @centernetworks tx. Hi @yuliz, will U pls point me to 2 or 3 of your fav local NYC designers? Looking for clothes, bags and accessories. TY #
- @centernetworks tx… but i'm looking for specific designers others have had great experiences with. i don't want 2 explore etsy all day. in reply to centernetworks #
- TY! RT @Blerime @dcap you should get a USB turntable – but there's alternatives & some things to consider with USB: youtu.be/0jb7a04tlV4 #
- I'm looking to buy original art, clothes, bags and accessories from local NYC designers through their sites. Any suggestions? #
- I can't say enough good things about @soapdotcom. Highly recommend it. Free shipping + no more waiting in line w slightly embarrassing items #
- wow RT “@Peta_de_Aztlan: 2 Mexicans deny terrorism, face 30 years for tweet > http://j.mp/qhMpLB ~Tweet responsibly #
- I can take a full cart of groceries, pack it all into 3 large freezer bags & carry them by myself all over town #notonmyresume #