@dcap Twitter Updates for 2011-08-30
- Captain's Log, Stardate 10010001… I am very hungry and would also like a lime with salt on it, preferably attached to a libation. #
- @thetacotruck nom nom (@ High Line w/ 19 others) http://t.co/u90q35J #
- @filmfuturist Yep! I'm very lucky. Left my bldg in evac zone & chilled in JC Heights. Just called super & power is back in my bldg. You? in reply to filmfuturist #
- Link by Link: In Times of Unrest, Social Networks Can Be a Distraction (Noam Cohen/New York Times) http://t.co/nuUgi01 #
- I love this. http://j.mp/oLD29L #