@dcap Twitter Updates for 2011-08-16
- Just loved Feist – The Limit To Your Love http://t.co/aJmjfGC on @hypem #
- #nowplaying Foster the People – Call It What You Want on @hypem mobile radio http://t.co/2tB0gqR #
- #nowplaying weak – swv #
- #nowplaying too close – next #
- "My emotions are inappropriate to my size… and that is why I transfer the energy into sculpture." – Louise Bourgeois, French artist <3 #
- #nowplaying can we – swv #
- I <3 epic meal time on YouTube but I wish they were less douchey w exploiting female guest eaters. Not everything has to look like a dong #
- :/ RT @MotherJones Today's most-read story: Why Bottled Water Companies Target Blacks and Latinos, by @jaeahjlee mojo.ly/nKf9lG #
- An unintentional but happy result of blogging more is that it's bringing my mom & I closer together 🙂 Her comment: http://t.co/7fn5rFz <3 #
- #nowplaying Julie Ruin – Aerobicide http://t.co/kybX4BW FOR YOU! #
- 0_0 omg I'll be in Cali then RT @sectionquartet @dcap No NYC shows on tap but 9/23 in LA we perform Radiohead's The Bends in its entirety. #
- preeeech #cosign RT @VictorBalta Sorry, @SpotifyUSA — @pandora_radio wins. Would still love to see something that combines the two, but… #
- #nowplaying Stuck On Repeat by Little Boots on <3 http://t.co/TMjXcPr #
- Yes! Worth the cost of Netflix alone RT “@davidhoang: Started watching Star Trek: The Next Generation on @Netflix. I love this show so much. #
- wow RT “@prsarahevans: NYPD forms social media unit to mine Facebook & Twitter for mayhem #Commentz – http://j.mp/n078Uh†via @filmfuturist #
- #replacebandnameswithpancakes CSP aka Cansei de Ser Pancakes (3/3) #andmyworkhereisdone #gnite #
- #replacebandnameswithpancakes Pancakes! Pancakes! Pancakes! (2/3) #
- #replacebandnameswithpancakes Artist Formerly Known As Pancakes (1/3) #
- #replacebandnameswithpancakes Junior Pancakes #