@dcap Twitter Updates for 2011-08-14
- Wishing my grampy a very happy 96th birthday: http://t.co/wXqActI #
- "he looks cute." me: "he looks like mozart's fetal twin." #
- Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Spine tingling good for me. Bravo. #fb #
- 1 more song. then i'm peeling away from the world wide interweb & getting some sun. #nowplaying Heartbeats – The Knife http://t.co/P9U6xlY #
- "shiny tops and soda pops/when I hear your lips make a sound" #
- #nowplaying The Roots – Lazy afternoon – http://t.co/QPYoqnS heading downtown in a few. what's going on? i'm eager to roam. #
- Rick Perry Says Social Security And Medicare Are Unconstitutional http://t.co/Upai4Pl via @thinkprogress [Perry, you cray cray] #
- @am_NYC i had a dream about you last night. we had watched yr friend wheatpaste & then we were holding hands at an archeological dig. in reply to am_NYC #