@dcap Twitter Updates for 2011-08-06
- wow :/ RT @hardlynormal There Are So Many Homeless In Virginia Beach Officials Are Pondering Official Tent City http://t.co/OOlp34s #
- @webanna Thanks for the RT! We need someone awesome 🙂 in reply to webanna #
- JOB ALERT: @current is looking for a social media manager http://t.co/mvGvNWr #fb #
- #nowplaying And Then He Kissed me by Shirelles on @Grooveshark: http://t.co/K0Uo8Yf #
- preach RT @proBRUCEr Dear American youth: wearing socks + shower sandals makes you look like an elderly German tourist. Please cut it out. #
- ♥ Ritual Union by Little Dragon #lastfm http://bit.ly/dZHmCL #
- Just loved Little Dragon – Ritual Union http://awe.sm/5QSUr on @hypem #
- Just loved Neon Indian – Polish Girl http://awe.sm/5QSTO on @hypem #
- @jlbhart thanks chica! in reply to jlbhart #
- I find it funny that so many "social media strategists" don't know how to use their own co.'s publishing tools. #
- @jennimiller76 content strat tools/services 2 publishers + access 2 freelance journos from publications like New York Times, Wired, etc. in reply to jennimiller76 #
- JOB ALERT (NY): @gocontently is hiring a Senior Managing Editor and freelance writers, editors http://t.co/tLd72V6 #
- Props to Danny R. Peralta, quoted here re: Bloomberg's $130 million plan to help young black & Latino men find jobs http://t.co/7UN80R6 #fb #