@dcap Twitter Updates for 2011-08-01
- I am so scared of voice search app "Dragon Go!" Also a little aroused. #fb #
- "Sending you forget me nots, to help you to remember" #
- @ShainaMBA that's great! and you never know how she'll return the favor in reply to ShainaMBA #
- that's what seesterz are for 😉 RT “@megwilhoite: @dcap my sis helped me to set up my blog!†#
- It brings me a lot of joy to help my sister with setting up her blog. #fb #
- #reasons2notbeatyourgf you'll go to jail for being an abusive moron #
- #reasonstobeatyourgirlfriend = excuse 4 mentally/physically impotent men & ignorant women 2 showcase how they fail @ life #violenceisntfunny #
- :/ WTF “@digg: The current Hot Story @Digg: PayPal hands over 1,000 IP Addresses to the FBI, look out Anonymous http://j.mp/nsEXbu†#fb #
- very inspiring RT @palafo Profile of NYC's social media strategist, @rachelsterne http://j.mp/pVVB2V #
- @YouTube I would like to see @corvida's #lifeinaday because I think it would inspire many young people to pursue their dreams #