@dcap Twitter Updates for 2011-07-12
- @SMCSac If a paid gig, I can refer some peeps. Email me details & rate range to daniela AT dcapmedia DOT com and I'll circulate in reply to SMCSac #
- @corvida I bet your brain is exploding right now with sweet ass knowledge at #TEDGlobal I'm so jelly #
- @lyneka Fame by Irene Cara! 😀 in reply to lyneka #
- haha RT @harperharper @joshuahorowitz don't worry abt sunscreen: just wear white and blue and you'll be all ready for your next livestream #
- @shananaomi haha i think i'm the only one, i never see it. I RULE. in reply to shananaomi #
- Should students be taught how to write Twitter feeds and YouTube captions in composition class? http://t.co/rz09Dp7 [I say yes] #fb #
- I'm at Current TV (435 Hudson St., Leroy, New York) http://4sq.com/qFVx9L #
- I just became the mayor of Current TV on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/iNyFc5 #
- testing livestream quality for TEDGlobal2011 viewing party tomorrow http://flic.kr/p/a2GZD9 #
- ooo! RT @brooklynbowl TONIGHT: The 7th Annual Brooklyn Hip Hop Festival ft. special guests! Doors at 6 // Show at 8 http://t.co/aNb7V7g #
- "In summary, journalism folks: It is in your economic interests to learn how to make the internets." – http://t.co/IiETfzU [preach!] #
- omg omg Porculpa the zero gravity cat RT @MotherboardTV Artist Lyn Hagan uploaded her zero gravity film in full finally! vimeo.com/16245167 #
- Economy Faces a Jolt as Benefit Checks Run Out http://pulse.me/s/Cvjn #
- The Hand That Rocks The Cradle in my pants #improvemovietitlesbyaddinginmypants #
- *chortles* RT @RavenZech The Bone Collecter in my pants #improvemovietitlesbyaddinginmypants #
- Earth Girls Are Easy in my pants #improvemovietitlesbyaddinginmypants 😀 #
- Lol RT @vcthatsme #improvemovietitlesbyaddinginmypants Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood In My Pants. #
- Fame in my pants #improvemovietitlesbyaddinginmypants #
- Nice one RT @sofiacheng P.S.: I Love You In My Pants. #improvemovietitlesbyaddinginmypants #
- An American Tale: Fievel Goes West in my pants #improvemovietitlesbyaddinginmypants #
- The 5th Element in my pants #improvemovietitlesbyaddinginmypants #